Sponsored Placement


Get your news into the publications your audiences know and trust

You have your go-to websites that you rely on for news and information that speaks to your interests, right? Your audiences are the same. So what if you had the opportunity to put your press releases in front of your audience's favourite publications as well? 

With Cision's Sponsored Placement, the combination of the earned media opportunities generated by a press release distributed through Cision coupled with amplification through a paid media campaign on premium websites ensures maximum visibility potential for your story. 

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How it Works


Cision converts your press release into a sponsored placement that matches the look and feel of the publishers’ websites you choose, based on the audiences you’re trying to reach. 

The seamless format of a Sponsored Placement allows brands to drive engagement by reaching audiences on the channels they prefer and trust.

Sponsored Placement Infographic

Canadian Single-Industry Campaign

  • 10 Premium Sites
  • 70K Impressions
  • Proof of placement

Choose from Several Industries


Canadian National News (English or French)



Health & Fitness





 Fashion & Style

Home & Garden

 Food & Beverage

Radio Canada logo

Entrepreneur logo


TSN logo

The Globe and Mail logo

Where would my press release be placed?

Explore the available publications.

Take even greater control with Sponsored Placement Custom Campaigns

Build your own Sponsored Placement campaign. Choose the publications, audiences, and reporting that will help you meet your specific campaign goals. With a Custom Campaign, you'll be able to:

  • Increase guaranteed clickthroughs on your content
  • Leverage intelligent A/B headline testing to optimize for the highest performing message
  • Improve audience targeting by persona and geography
  • Promote non-press release content
  • Mix and match multiple industry categories
  • View a custom report with performance metrics including campaign views, CTA, CTR, Top 10 Placements and more!